Sell the Maximum Power
the Highest Price

Streamline Daily Operations
Maximum Uptime

Automsoft Solutions for Renewable Energy

Powergen Managers

Wind Farm Managers

It’s hard to maximize energy dispatch if you have incomplete or old market and environment data. It’s harder still when you have to pull it together yourself.

It’s near impossible to manage output when you don’t have the latest on your generation capacity.

It’s a pain logging in and out of all the systems you use to manage your windfarms. It’s even more of a pain to pull together a total picture of what’s going on.

It’s a headache to track whether remote workers are on site or have left for the day.

  • Sell the maximum power at the highest price with Automsoft.
  • Get all your decision making data on a single powerful dashboard.
  • Streamline daily operations for maximum uptime with Automsoft.
  • Eliminate manual reports and spreadsheets.
  • Get all your critical operational data on a single powerful dashboard.

Ready to move forward and try out Automsoft?

With Automsoft increase the power you generate and sell to the grid:

  • Make good decisions, fast
  • Get market data, operations data, forecasts, spot prices, forward market, availability of assets…..all on one screen
  • Decide on generation mix, how much to bid, at what price, in which market
  • Calculate capacity from environment data 
  • Adjust power generation in line with early and accurate dispatch information
  • Track budgeted vs actual income

With Automsoft streamline your operations for maximum uptime:

  • See data from every wind farm, on one dashboard
  • Drill down to individual turbines
  • Automate your reports and KPI calculations
  • Deliver all your KPIs automatically to everyone who matters
  • Track remote workers and their tasks from your main screen
  • Receive immediate notification when your equipment is underperforming or down - plus the data which tells you why
  • Display your data in the field, on devices, in the control room

“We are delighted to partner with Automsoft. Automsoft delivers all our key decision making data to one screen - from our power generation, the energy markets and the environment - enabling us to optimize our strategy. As we expand, new generation capacity is integrated seamlessly into our business dashboards, reports and decision making.”

Tom Egan - Head of Powergen and Biogenergy Operations,

Bord na Mona


Combines environment, capacity and grid data for you to sell the maximum power at the highest price

Manages over 3 GWs of conventional and renewable power generation

Operates in the world’s most highly regulated industries

Solves your hardest problems using data science expertise

Provides powerful dashboards of your entire operation

Enables you to install and be up and running within a month

Ensures you can scale massively and quickly at low cost

Ready to move forward and try out Automsoft?