How does RAPID compress data ?

The underlying schema used to store the data has a patented mechanism to compress the timestamp while retaining its accuracy and the accuracy of the data value. If lossy compression is permitted then RAPID also suppports a number of data compression mechanisms at the cost of data accuracy. […]

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Can I group data points into logical structures ?

RAPID supports 2 mechanisms to allow tags to be grouped together. The first is a simple grouping system, where heirarchys of groups can be created, each containing tags and A&E areas. The second is the InfoModel system in RAPIDEnterprise. This allows models of assets to be created, containgn tags, constants, calculations, images etc. These modes […]

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Can RAPID collect and store Batch data ?

Yes, RAPID contains 2 batch data management systems. The first is a simple start/stop event system that allows the creation of phase based batch structures. The second is a full S88 implementation consisting of a data collector to capture batch data from common batch execution systems, batch storage schema in the RAPID Database and a […]

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Can I create tags in the DB before connecting to the data source ?

Yes, RAPID supports the ability to import tag definitions from CSV files to allow tag names to be created without needing to browse the data source (very useful where the data source does not support browsing). The format consists of a header, containing the names of the fields, followed by multiple rows containing the associated […]

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